Graphical exploration



  1. Icon of the Data Model Explorer
  2. input facade(s)
    • The input facade(s) allows to select the types or facades which will be used as entry points in the model and from which Akwatype will launch the exploration for the graph generation
  3. Filters
    • Facades
      • Include
        • Forces the inclusion of these types or facades in the graph, whether or not they are found by the exploration
      • Exclude
        • Forces the exploration to stop if this type or facade is encountered, the type or facade is not displayed
      • Exploration stopper
        • Forces the exploration to stop if this type or facade is encountered, the type or facade is displayed
    • Custom properties
      • Type property
        • Select a CustomTypeProperty, populate the associated values and choose to hide or display only those Type or Facade which have this property allied to these values.
      • Field property
        • Select a CustomFieldProperty, populate the associated values and choose to hide or display only those attributes which have this property allied to these values.
    • Entity tags
      • Include / Exclude types or facades with this tags
        • Note : this filter is applied after all the others (facades & files)
    • Files
      • Includes / Excludes types or facades from these file names)
        • Include : Display only entities from those files
        • Exclude : Exclude entities from those files
        • Note : this filter do not apply to input or include facades witch are always displayed
  4. Projection setting (see focus below)
    • allows you to define the depth of the exploration, the display options (level of detail, deprecated fields, type and hidden fields...)
  5. Generated graphic representation
  6. Depth of exploration of the graph
    • In depth (forward on 5 level)
    • forward 1, backward 1
    • forward 1
  7. Level of detail of display of types and facades (display or not of fields)
  8. Orientation of the graph (portrait or landscape)
  9. Hide nomenclature types from the graph
  10. Finalized mode (in particular, inheritances are resolved and abstract types are no longer displayed)
  11. Advance link dispaly display full cardinality, composition, aggregation and association name on links
    • Use it with the projection setting Display only scalar attributs (String, Date...) to dispaly an UML Like representation
  12. Tags selector (displays the dialog box for selecting the tags to be displayed)
  13. Export tab (export selection tab)
  14. Exploration tabs
    • List (HTML reports that can be created or modified using the integrated Freemarker editor)

    • Type (and facade) graphical representation diagram
    • Transform (Json transformation testing with facades)


Representation of types and facades

Default colors of the entities :

  • Types are in yellow
  • Facades are in green
  • abstract types in red


Stop exploration indicator :

Whatever the reason why the exploration stops on a field pointing to a complex type (exclusion of the type or the facade, shallow exploration depth... ), Akwatype displays an icon on the right of the field to indicate that the graph could have continued.














Focus on projection settings



  1. Depth of exploration of the graph (pre-selection)
    • In depth (forward on 5 level)
    • forward 1, backward 1
    • forward 1

      Input facade(s) : Site

  2. Manual definition of the exploration depth
    • forward : 0 to 10
    • backward : 0 to 1

  3. Level of detail of display of types and facades (display or not of fields)

  4. Fields
    • Display input facades fields
      • With a compact display level (fields not displayed) it is possible to request the display of the fields of the facades selected as input.
      • In this example the 2 facades (Book and Addresse) are selected

    • Display hidden field
      • All fields with the hidden:true property, or of a hidden type which have the isHiddenPropagatedToField : true property, are displayed
    • Repeat parent class fields
      • All fields inherited from abstract types are displayed (by default they are not repeated)
        This option is useful when working with people who are not familiar with UML representation
    • Display only scalar attributes
      • All fields of complex type are hidden. Only real data are displayed

  5. links
    • Landscape
      • Changes the orientation of the graph

    • Advanced link display
      • Display of all links and information not displayed by default (multiple relationship between two entities, association name, type of association such as composition or aggregation...)
      • Combined with the Display only scalar attributes option, display all links produces UML like graph representation.

    • Ignore stop exploration
      • When the stopx property is true on a type, the explorer automatically stops on this type. This option allows to better control the size of the graphs produced for important models. the ignore stop exploration option allows the explorer to ignore all the stopx properties on the encountered types.
      • To force the explorer not to stop on a particular type, whose stopx priority is true, it is enough to add this type in the list of input facades
    • display abstract / child links
      • Materializes, in the form of dotted arrows, the links to the possible types or facades when a field points to an abstract type.
        This representation is used for the graph in finalized mode
        This option is ALSO useful when working with people who are not familiar with UML representation
  3. Nodes

      • Display hidden type
        • Force the display of hidden types. A type can be hidden by using the hidden:true or isHiddenPropagatedToField: true priopriety (causes the type and the fields pointing to this type to disappear).
      • Ignore deprecated
        • By default the deprecated fields appear in purple and crossed out on the graphs. This option allows you to make them disappear.


    • Display area name
      • Displays on each type or facade the name of the file where the type or facade is declared prefixed by the name of the domain in which the file has been placed
    •  Finalize
      • Finalize is a graphical representation of the transported Json message
        • Hidden types and fields are represented
        • Abstract types disappear and the links to the possible types or facades when a field points to an abstract type are materialize in the form of dotted arrows
        • In this mode all entities are blue in color

    • Display type only
      • Exclude facades from the graph. This option is useful when working on the type model and requesting a backward exploration. This backward exploration can bring back both types and facades which then interfere with the understanding of the type model

    • All nodes
      • Displays all types and facades defined in your data model, regardless of the search and filter criteria.
      • Can be useful at the beginning when getting started.
        • This option works as long as the model contains less than 500 types and facades (limit of Akwatype graphics). After that you must use filters to refine your graph